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Learning Design

Bring TfT to daily lesson design with Transformational Lessons!

The TfT Journey

Implementing the Teaching for Transformation design framework is a formational journey for you and for your staff. We partner with you in this journey through the following stages:

1. Exploring with you how TfT aligns with your school’s mission and vision for Christian education.

2. Equipping and empowering your staff with the design tools and practices for the implementation of TfT.

3. Continuous support to deepen the TfT professional growth journey.

Begin your school’s Teaching for Transformation journey into the rich promises of your school’s mission and vision. Your teachers and students are ready to see how their learning equips them to see and live God’s story.

TfT Korea Team

Our Deep Hope

We are people of hope. Not wishes or plans. And, more than just hope. Deep hope.


Deep hope represents why you followed the call to be a teacher in a Christian school. It aligns with the desires that parents have as they enroll their children in your school. It reflects the promises contained within your school’s mission and vision statement and points toward your place in God’s story.


And, within Teaching for Transformation, it is the first question we ask ourselves when we design learning experiences for our students: “What is our deep hope?” It is our North Star that guides us on our learning journey within our Christian schools.



샬롬대안교육센터 - Shalom Center

샬롬을 위한 교육, 교육 공동체 운동
Culture Making for Shalom Communities.

Story School

이야기학교는 건강한 개혁주의 신학을 바탕으로 기독교교육철학과 원리를 실현함으로 아이들이 행복하고, 사회에 대안이 되는 교육을 실천하고 있습니다. 특히 삶을 위한 교육을 위해 관계중심, 역량중심, 그리고 가치관 중심의 교육에 집중합니다.

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Christian Sprout Intercultural School

To equip the next generation of "glocal" leaders intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually in order to live for Christ and advance His Kingdom through Christ-centered Education.

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Sepum Christian School

Raising Leaders to Expand the Kingdom of God.

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